Saturday, 28 July 2012

Blog confusion

I still find it difficult to navigate this blog site. I need to spend more time on here figuring it all out.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Libris laudo

I visited our local library a few days ago (for the second time in a week, nothing unusual for me).

I love libraries.

They are a wonderful resource and source of pleasure and there's always a great ambience in a library. I've yet to meet one I don't like!
A friend of mine, M, works in a library in Perth (our state capital) and he has told me some funny stories about some of the library patrons. There are quite a few who have nicknames given them by the staff, unbeknown to the patrons, of course. Most of them funny, some sad, but none unkind. The only negative moniker a patron carries at his branch is self-appointed, and she announces herself every time she enters the library with the strident tones of, "The bitch from hell is here!" Charming!!

I'll often go to our library when I've had a stressful day and just browse for ages looking at nothing in particular, simply de-stressing among the ocean of lovely books. One of my lj friends is even in there! (not literally, though!)
There's a thousand worlds at my fingertips just waiting to be explored; whoever said the best things in life are free was spot-on. Thank God for civilisations that believe libraries are essential to a community and a nation.

Imagine a world without libraries...*shudder*

Friday, 9 March 2012

Welcome, Divine Mummy and cook!

My eldest daughter, who is a divine mummy and a fabulous cook, has just started two blogs on here so I guess I should actually start blogging myself and follow hers, too.
Welcome, you :) xox