Thursday, 23 April 2020

Of masks and umbrellas

I've just stumbled across a post on another blog that was subtly berating people who are not wearing face masks if they are out and about. The poster wrote that they believed it was a form of rebellion on behalf of the non-mask group, an act of defiance against authority.

I can't speak for anyone else but I can say, for myself, that I do not wear a face mask when out in public (haven't even contemplated it) and, no, it has nothing to do with being rebellious or giving authority the English Archers' Salute.
If anyone wants to know why I don't wear a face mask, please feel free to ask :)

I want to end this post on a beautiful and colourful note, so here are a few paintings of something I quite like, something that is pretty and practical - the humble umbrella:

"Under brown umbrella" by Leonid Afremov. I love, love, love the colours in Afremov's work. Lamp posts glow and the wet paths shimmer. He was a genius.

Whenever I think of umbrellas I always think of this stunning piece of art - Les Parapluies by Renoir.
Those blues...

Finally, "Umbrellas" by Stanislav Sidorov. Gorgeous use of colour amidst a grey backdrop.

Wherever you are, I hope your spirits are buoyed by these little slices of colour.

Take care and God bless.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Making lemonade

This post is about my latest blanket (surprise!) but I'm listening to an absolutely fascinating interview with Dr. David Starkey as I write this and I keep spitting out my tea at his frank, occasionally coarse, blisteringly honest comments.
He says what a lot of people think but are too afraid to voice for fear of being attacked by screechy, virtue-signalling, heretic-hunting "Wokeists". He has a formidable intellect and a captivating way of expressing himself, and is such a breath of fresh air.

So, back to the post at hand - I'm not going to make mention of the bat stew flu (by far my favourite moniker of the many names that have developed over this time) except in reference to what I've been doing during this period:
Deep cleaning, board games, reading and crochet are at the top of the list, especially crochet (no surprise there).

I even made a blanket to commemorate the event in a positive way (turning lemons into lemonade sort of thing) and, thusly, have named it my "Lemonade blanket."

So, without further ado - ta da!

I wanted the colours to be positive and happy and uplifting. The pattern is another of Lucy's (from Attic 24), the Cupcake blanket, and I matched the colours as closely as possible and then added more of my own so that none were repeated.

My label - this time I chose a Big Ben button. If anything says "iconic" to me it is structures such as this magnificent clock. Instantly recognisable to most people and such a classic design.
My only complaint? The flippin' button holes were too small for normal yarn and it had to be sewn on with thread and a very thin needle - FWP!
I'm now making a blanket, a commission from my sis, in a lovely, bright colour palette and using another great Attic 24 stitch pattern (Lucy is amazing. Her blog can be found here)

I hope everyone is doing well and making their own unique lemonade :)

Take care and God bless.