Friday 22 March 2019

Colours of the moor

I recently finished another lap blanket using colours inspired by a blog post from Lucy of Attic 24, showcasing her Moorland Blanket and the beautiful colours chosen (see here).

I decided on the trinity stitch for my blanket (also called bramble, blackberry, raspberry and cluster stitch) and finished it in just over a week. I love this stitch; it's perfect for blankets as it feels quite thick and lush and, once you get the hang of the repeat, it's so easy to work up that you almost feel you could drift away while working on the blanket!

I used mostly Portacraft 8 ply yarn, matching the colours as closely as possible to the Attic 24 equivalents, but did manage to include some Stylecraft Special D.K., thanks to a wonderful new craft shop that's recently opened in my town.

Et voilà 

The lighting is not the best (looks a bit yellowish) but I love the colours of this blanket; they are scrumptious!

A close-up of the border: several rows of linen stitch (a.k.a. moss stitch) finished with a row of small scallops. The colours were chosen from the blanket palette.

Folded and ready for use; another one to add to my Blanket Basket Collection :)

On a different note, one of our grandbabies celebrated a birthday this week so, amongst other gifts, I made them a basket of "food".

A carrot, a banana, broccoli (more like broccolini, considering the size), a gigantic pear (just the way the pattern worked out), a lettuce, tomato and cheese sandwich and a small carton of milk.
The milk was my own pattern and, while it doesn't look anywhere near as neat as others online, I think it's cute!

I'm trying out some new stitches, practising by making dishcloths and washcloths, and they are looking quite pretty. Stay tuned... 😊


  1. these are fab! i'm still procrastinating on my knitting/crochet :-) but getting other things done. x

    1. P.S. I clicked on your name but could not find a blog; do you have one?

  2. The colours of the Moor blanket are stunning! And how gorgeous that Lucy took a picture of her blanket against the backdrop of nature. I love the little foods, so very cute. I am in awe of your talent!!!

    1. Thanks, Ainslie. I've developed a passion for crochet so I am putting my school-taught skills to much practice!
      I absolutely love the colours of the moorland blanket, too.
      Lucy (from Attic 24) is incredibly talented.

  3. Talent like this certainly gave me a miss. I love everything you make.

    1. That's such a lovely thing to say; thank you :)
