Thursday 3 October 2019

New projects

I've been meaning to write another blog post for at least a month now but life always seems to get in the way!
Back in August we spent almost two weeks in Perth, celebrating two birthdays and a graduation. Since then, I've been catching up with a backlog of domestics and, of course, crochet :)

Which brings me to the subject of this blog post - blankets!

I've made several since my last post, one of which is winging its way to my sis as I write. I'll show that one in my next post (I don't want to spoil the visual surprise for my sis).
I'm also continuing with my seasonal temperature blanket, which will finish at the end of November.

This photo shows my temperature blanket back in August ,when I was working the Winter palette colours (bottom of blanket). I think the seasonal demarcations are shown fairly clearly in the palettes.

...and this is my latest creation. The pattern is called Spice of Life and can be found (here)
I chose my own colours for this blanket, as I am more of a blue-toned person, but the original pattern colours are lovely in themselves.

This shows the various stitch patterns a bit more clearly. I loved making this blanket, it was an opportunity to learn new stitches as well as blend my own colour selections.

Finally, this is a tentative colour palette for my latest blanket project, titled Dance in the Sea;
details can be found (here)
Reading about this blanket pattern was bittersweet. The designer was a talented lady who took her own life several years ago while working on this pattern. Some crochet friends got together and finished the pattern in honour of her memory.
My brother's anniversary is coming up in November and, to honour his memory, I'm going to make this blanket. I don't know if it will be finished by mid-November but it doesn't matter if it isn't. I'm just going to take my time and enjoy every stitch.
My sis and I are collaborating on this blanket and the colours are not yet finalised (hence the use of "tentative") but we are having a wonderful time reminiscing about the colours of his many Lacrosse polo shirts and his various favourite outfits.
Stay tuned for more updates on this new work in progress.

One last photo - the first square of my brother's blanket - I think it represents kelp, the fat, grapey-looking kind that you feel like you could "pop" with your fingers, except it's too tough to do so!

Until next time, God bless everyone and Shalom to you and yours.