Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Rainbow spots

Back in January of this year I made a blanket for a friend who sometimes has her Grandies stay over at her home.
I had made blankets for the grandchildren but decided to make one for her, a special "Grandie blanket" she could keep at her house and use when she was babysitting.
I wanted to try a pattern I found a while ago: Granny Flower Square  but in a single colour for each square rather than multi-coloured squares as per the original pattern.

As I was basically making a baby blanket I decided on bright, primary colours - and what is brighter and more primary than a rainbow?
So, the Rainbow blanket idea was born!
The cascading, diagonal colours was originally more of a happy accident than intentional planning on my part but, when I saw how effective grouping the colours together in their spectrum looked, I continued in that vein.
Over a week later, amidst much happy hooking, one bright, sunny (they look like smiley flowers to me) blanket came into existence:

I love the colours; they are like bright suns or smiley flowers 🌸

The border was a simple one, comprised of alternating rows of half trebles (U.K.) in white and double crochets (U.K.) in various colours.

I decided on a simple, neutral button for this blanket, one that would not detract from the blanket itself.

My friend loved it, by the way 😊

Take care, everyone, and God bless.

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